Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

How to register your blog to google adsense

First maybe you have not yet know about how the workings of Google Adsense with adsense and how it can provide income to you
Google adsense is a part of the goggle company. And maybe sudaha on google know everything that the company is a giant company that competes with other companies that provide corporate search engine. In addition there are many others google adsense which is under the auspices oerusahaan google it, including dalah Google Map which provides satellite imagery of the earth to see the position or location of a place. And the blogger is also provided to create a blog or mini site that can be used to provide information to others through a form of writing that post, 
\Back to adsense, Adsense word itself comes from a fragment of an ad (English = advertising / advertisement). And the language itself is defined sebgai adsense advertising media. So we follow, or register with google adsense into it, we can become a publisher and advertiser atu with it we can get depends on income from paid advertising or advertisher giver. 
How does it work then Google Adsense? First we must understand first what is the advantage of being a publisher for Google?. And how to wash the dollar which he said could be up to thousands or tens of thousands of $ $ $ per month?. Before answering, we must know first that Google offers to advertisers to market a product or company to the public around the world via Google and it's called Adword. So now we can make the conclusion that "Adword is source for Adsense" ...... "Adword is the source / master of Adsense" ....... So advertisers who place ads on Google through Adwords it will only pay Google when someone clicks on the ad. Remember, advertisers only pay for advertising if it had been read by its target no matter who clicks it will join or not or buy or not to offer the products, what matters is clicked. And Google will automatically benefit from the pair ad the advertiser when it is clicked on the ad. To get that Google must find a way for the posted ad is clicked to the right people arrived at the destination. 
Google honest with the outsourcer does not click your own way (by Google) ads that advertisers pay. So to look for appropriate ways for the ads and posters iklanpun disasaran happy as well as Google is happy (because of the advertising fee to TSB).
On the other advertisers do not want their ads aired iklanpun kesembarang people. It could be advertisers who want to offer real estate for example, the advertiser is more pleased when the ad aired on people who are looking for a home or who are in this hobby. Or ads about buying and selling ornamental dogs, dog food, dog schools, etc. (in this case normal LN), then should not the people who click on the people who do like the field of 'per-dog-an' it, not the hobby electronics for example, or nor a person who loves design and interior. A genius way of Google have been found to answer all of these requirements is to look for publishers who will deliver advertising to the portion they will be appropriate.
That is, with Google Adsense. So if a website / blog that discusses the ornamental animals when using adsense and Google will get the keywords from the article dominant and display ads associated with ornamental animals. A web / blog containing about business will generate advertisements about business anyway and will not display ads on electronics or about animals float. 
Thus we can take the conclusion that the intended target of advertisers already on target and automatically be able to produce as expected by the advertiser rather than the ad is clicked by a person who is only a fad just click on the ad page. Just imagine, people who open up a web / blog that discusses the electronics such as advertisement given on ways to get her nails for example, even if up is clicked would just fraudulent clicks / out of curiosity alone. Loss of right to advertise ..... okay? 
By becoming a publisher we have a web / blog that discusses anything and help Google to sell ads that have been posted on the TSB Adword program. And with the increase in installed then click on the ads that are growing much commission earned by Google from advertisers. We ourselves as a publisher ....... who helped Google generate clicks for ads must be paid by Google ...... a percentage to a formula which will be described below. For a further discussion about things that should be considered to be seornag publisher and how to commission calculation, 
we will discuss in the next post.

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