Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

How to register your blog to google adsense

First maybe you have not yet know about how the workings of Google Adsense with adsense and how it can provide income to you
Google adsense is a part of the goggle company. And maybe sudaha on google know everything that the company is a giant company that competes with other companies that provide corporate search engine. In addition there are many others google adsense which is under the auspices oerusahaan google it, including dalah Google Map which provides satellite imagery of the earth to see the position or location of a place. And the blogger is also provided to create a blog or mini site that can be used to provide information to others through a form of writing that post, 
\Back to adsense, Adsense word itself comes from a fragment of an ad (English = advertising / advertisement). And the language itself is defined sebgai adsense advertising media. So we follow, or register with google adsense into it, we can become a publisher and advertiser atu with it we can get depends on income from paid advertising or advertisher giver. 
How does it work then Google Adsense? First we must understand first what is the advantage of being a publisher for Google?. And how to wash the dollar which he said could be up to thousands or tens of thousands of $ $ $ per month?. Before answering, we must know first that Google offers to advertisers to market a product or company to the public around the world via Google and it's called Adword. So now we can make the conclusion that "Adword is source for Adsense" ...... "Adword is the source / master of Adsense" ....... So advertisers who place ads on Google through Adwords it will only pay Google when someone clicks on the ad. Remember, advertisers only pay for advertising if it had been read by its target no matter who clicks it will join or not or buy or not to offer the products, what matters is clicked. And Google will automatically benefit from the pair ad the advertiser when it is clicked on the ad. To get that Google must find a way for the posted ad is clicked to the right people arrived at the destination. 
Google honest with the outsourcer does not click your own way (by Google) ads that advertisers pay. So to look for appropriate ways for the ads and posters iklanpun disasaran happy as well as Google is happy (because of the advertising fee to TSB).
On the other advertisers do not want their ads aired iklanpun kesembarang people. It could be advertisers who want to offer real estate for example, the advertiser is more pleased when the ad aired on people who are looking for a home or who are in this hobby. Or ads about buying and selling ornamental dogs, dog food, dog schools, etc. (in this case normal LN), then should not the people who click on the people who do like the field of 'per-dog-an' it, not the hobby electronics for example, or nor a person who loves design and interior. A genius way of Google have been found to answer all of these requirements is to look for publishers who will deliver advertising to the portion they will be appropriate.
That is, with Google Adsense. So if a website / blog that discusses the ornamental animals when using adsense and Google will get the keywords from the article dominant and display ads associated with ornamental animals. A web / blog containing about business will generate advertisements about business anyway and will not display ads on electronics or about animals float. 
Thus we can take the conclusion that the intended target of advertisers already on target and automatically be able to produce as expected by the advertiser rather than the ad is clicked by a person who is only a fad just click on the ad page. Just imagine, people who open up a web / blog that discusses the electronics such as advertisement given on ways to get her nails for example, even if up is clicked would just fraudulent clicks / out of curiosity alone. Loss of right to advertise ..... okay? 
By becoming a publisher we have a web / blog that discusses anything and help Google to sell ads that have been posted on the TSB Adword program. And with the increase in installed then click on the ads that are growing much commission earned by Google from advertisers. We ourselves as a publisher ....... who helped Google generate clicks for ads must be paid by Google ...... a percentage to a formula which will be described below. For a further discussion about things that should be considered to be seornag publisher and how to commission calculation, 
we will discuss in the next post.

Blog monetizing options

Memonetizing a blog is commercializing our blog by placing some ads from a site for a provider we publish, there are actually many ways to earn money through a blogging, and there are also many sites that give providers a fee to us. various kinds of shapes and types, depending on how we choose, the following may be that I posted to you website monetizing sites that provide payment to us when we publish advertising their ad in your blog we have; 
Pay Per Click / PPC Domestic:,,, and By registering as a PPC publisher sites above, you will be able to display advertising for blogs Indonesian. 
You will get a commission from the ads you put on your blog and clicked on by visitors to your blog. PPC / Pay Per Click Exchange: Google Adsense,,,, With foreign PPC ads, you will mendaptkan bigger commissions than domestic 
PPC. For the year 2012, the Google Adsense blog is to be displayed in the Indonesian language. 
PPC Image:, As with PPC, it's just that you show to your ad is in the form of photographs or images. Affiliate Marketing:,,, Commission Junction ( This online business model allows the reseller does not have to keep stock of goods, but only forward customer orders to manufacturers or wholesaler, who will send orders to customers. Commission for affiliate marketing are usually large and depends on the price of products sold / recommended. 
Text Link Ads:,, Besides Google Adsense, you can also take advantage of advertising for your blog bertrafik high. 
Well, to be able to get money from blogging activities, now is the time. You just choose which one you like and earn commissions from your blog. 
Good luck.

How can we make money blog

A blog updated with information that certain information is aka segmentation tone of our blog readers about it, it means opportunity and the rating we will be up and high. 
Here is our opportunity to earn money from blogging only would be even greater, and who became a question of how and what to do to our blog to make money? The answer to the question above is the way in monetizing, then what's called monetizing it? Monetasi or monetizing a blog is one way or the efforts to commercialize our own blog by signing up to one provider site as a publisher of advertising advertising advertising they have. Indeed, before we get into the blog monetasi sometimes we have to optimally arrange or set up a blog in the blog that we have so many visitors who stop by or go to our blog. For that we must often make a post that will draw readers into our blog. As more and more visitors into our blog, the greater the chance of getting money from the publisher. 
The site is a lot of ad provider's site and it signifies how much the opportunity to earn money by blogging, provided there is political will and stamina and endeavor to receive optimal results, then get the money from the blog also seemed to be very easy. 
There is a good idea before we memonetasi blog, must consider first what is the appropriate segmentation and much demand, this means we must consider first what we postingkan or blog about what we are. If you create a blog on blogger, then you is not hard to do monetizing. Because the bloggers themselves or the company itself has to have google monetizing the site is very popular because it provides the highest paid among other sites the site called Google Adsense.
Google Adsense is a Google product that works together with renowned advertising offerings that provide services to the owner of the site or a blog to market or other terms of the site become a publisher who signed up the site into Google Adwords. Google Adsense accept advertisers on the condition that the advertiser is paid off google, and then paid divided by the parties who want to become a publisher of advertising their ads. 
To be a publisher's publisher atu difficult difficult easy, but as long as we tidy in a blog means any of the provisions of the blog itself that we must follow so that we can be a publisher atu advertisers, and with it we get paid from Google Adsense. To sign up for the google Adsense publisher I will give a step in the post the next step. In this post I just give you an idea of ​​how to earn money through blog or by following the list into the Google Adsense.
Do blogging secar continuous and continuously, and try to post the posts we publish it in order to conduct quality market is especially favored by the reader. Because we get the money if there are readers who click on ads published by Google Adsense, so more and more crowded by the readers of our blog is our opportunity to get money from a blog would be even greater. So this post, may be useful for you. Immediately take steps to get money from the internet, especially from blogging. Success and Spirit ..... Regards

Ways to make money with blog

Throughout the Internet world still exist and thrive, then that opportunity to make money from the internet continues to exist. How do I? 
There are many ways you can do with the internet so that we can make money, yes one of them through a blog. With the course we pursue the world of blogging is already guaranteed a monthly income of millions and even hundreds of millions of dollars. 
Imagine a hobby of writing we can reap a purse purse dollars so easily, when compared to the real world of work need to be what we haruds drops of sweat to get that much money. In the world of blogging alone answer them all, that to pursue this activity, the Internet offers a solution which at the present time the search for a job it is unbelievably difficult. And the internet seemed to be the solution that the activity of blogging we can have an income in a very easy and fun. It takes a trick that we manage to blog it could be a moneymaker for us, and generally takes the seriousness of our purpose is to ari blogging itself can be achieved. 
There is a very professional blogger he could generate tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars just to manage one blog alone and iinilah be the first choice in running our blogging activities. 
1. Only focus on one blog, and it must be proven with our sincerity and seriousness in living, something that is very easy in fact that if we are to seriously pursue this activity, and this theory was not just in blogging but any of our work in everything we do all that would be achieved if we are serious about running. 
2. The second option or options that can generate a lot of money through sbuah blog is a way to have and manage many commercial blog, in other words we are making as much blog for all categories, for each category such as just about financial, health, entrepreneurship and other so on. 
We like to make a blog daengan trawling on how to expand the category advertising category itself. Imagine of a blog we can make money at least two million dollars, how kalu at least ten blogs that we manage, possibly the result is also more or less ten million dollars. And, most importantly in all activities that blogging is our seriousness in the run, our willingness to blogging way we can generate an income of magnitude. 
Begin at this time you create a blog, and first of all as a learning create a blog first, and after a busy blog or memonetize we can commercialize our blog to be a moneymaker. 
So review the options in this blogging business I would like to wish you could run and try to pursue this blogging business seriously Hail Success .....

Successful blogging by Professional

One way to everything we do in any case, there is a seriousness in the way of doing it. It is universally applicable in any field, one in the world of blogging. Put the idea into a post, the draft design as much as possible so that our posts are not only quality but also the look of a quality blog. 
To have a quality blog then you are required seriousness in managing a blog. 
Here means that there is a case where you are forced to be more in for more professional in our field negeblog it. We must be able to continuously learn about how to create and manage a blog so that we have a blog can become a platform to explore themselves as well as farm income to earn money. 
Required sufficient time for a blog, it takes tenacity that we are more profeional Cleaner to manage a blog for blogs that we manage to be an inspiration to many people and also a field for money for ourselves. 
Try to pursue seriously in managing a blog, because anything that we can be serious and consistent in doing so would result would be the maximum. Perseverance is like to be a key to the achievement of all things, especially the goal or dream.

Start blogging with Blogger

Internet actually offers a number of our potential to earn income, especially for those of you who have a hobby of writing, it seemed to be the alternative that we pour knowledge or just write a biography of our lives. Then how do I create a blog? Creating a blog is actually very easy, and free blog providers also very much, but we will discuss this is to create a blog with blogger media. Blogger itself is a product of and got this one company official that it was worldwide. Google is a giant company that is famous in the world with all its products such as course providers email, photo storage service providers, data storage media and so forth. Steps that must be done to create a blog on blogger is as follows: 1. Create a google account at This is to facilitate easy entry to our account and connect to another account when you sign up to 2. When finished making gmail account, the next step is to sign up account by clicking the sign up on blogger. 3. Fill out the data information about yourself, and then click finish and start entry.

Make Money With blogging Hobbies

Having a blog is not just for hobby, but would be happy if the hobby we write in a blog we get paid.
So how are the steps to the hobby we write on a blog can earn money? 
Actually, the determinant is how we moderate or manage your blog we have, because the better-quality reading materials that we write, the better the design that we use also the more visitors or readers who see our blog. If we can bring in visitors, especially in large numbers every day, then automatically the blog we will have a high rating, such as automotive blog about, then when someone writes or find a reference in the search engines with automated blog name auto then it is our the top, this is called SEO rating. If blogging is a hobby and continued in the field, then we shall get the result. 
Not just in the blogging world, and this applies in any case, if we are serious about running something, something that we run it will give good results. Return to blogging, kalu we are really serious about writing and share the what we have, to share in writing to others then we will be earning and be evidence that the premises actually pursue the world of blogging we've got a pretty incredible income, Just imagine someone who works only wrote and produced articles in a blog he could generate income of millions, tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars, an income that does not actually make sense when compared with our work in the real world, to earn the necessary number of thousands of drops sweat we should spend in the real world, but once again the internet offers a solution and a way that blogging is actually a writing course we can have a tremendous income, even devastating.
Just by hanging out in front of a PC screen we've paid and earn a living. But to generate revenue through blogging there are tips and tricknya or steps. Because to get money or income from the internet is just like that, but we are required or the seriousness of our efforts in the run. And to make our blogs to make money, there are many, many ways and options, such as monetizing blogs etc. And to explain the steps to our blog sold in the money I will share in a subsequent study in monetizing your blog. Make sure in this time of learning that you get motivated to get a hobby income by writing in a blog it is so easy and fun, and the results are very, very exciting wah. 
Do not be afraid to try, and start learning.

Pour your ideas and stories in a blog.

Blog is a medium where we can pour an aspiration or a science that we know into a written text and then we share or do we share with all people around the world. 
For example, we now have a job as a doctor, we can share information and tips about the medical world to all people in the world, or perhaps an architect can pour information and ideas to others through a blog, and also for a merchant he can market its products through the medium of blogging. 
There are many benefits we get from a blog, other than as a hobby blog can also be used as a medium for marketing a product that is easy and efficient. A blog that we update information at any time by the information that we know, and even information about our life's journey can be a solution to generate revenue from a number of media blogging. 
By way of writing ideas and experiences in a blog, we'll know how far the journey of our life, achieving what we already have and what steps will we take the next it will be felt more easily. Do not just write down the journey of life in a diary which eventually dull the book could even be damaged. In addition we can also share or exchange thoughts and opinions about the writing, and certainly this will add a plus for us is to get a network connection and we become more widespread, both in the context of the work, and others. Let us start now to create a place where we can even put the idea to write a biography of our life in a blog. 
Nothing is difficult to know ... and do not require expensive equipment (the cafe was so) and does not require a long time, as long as the kit has a desire to design his own a blog, because many providers of blog providers that exist today. Start by creating a simple blog and learn to make the first post, is guaranteed to be addictive ... Especially if you suppose that we have in monetizing blog surely wah pot pot of money will flow every month into our pockets. Imagine only with write in within a blog we can get the income ...! 
Wah ...... of course it does really dech for the first time there must be doubts whether or not this could make money by blogging, but you try to prove yourself ... and follow my tips and step by step so you immediately have income through blogging. 
Write down what would you do, and do it what you write. Write down what you do, and writing it will be your job, hehe Do not just dream to be a passive income, start by proving themselves. Start blogging ......

What is blog?

Previously you may never know whose name is the internet, yes indeed all forms of information can be found with the internet.
And never thought about the internet is not that how it works how?
Perhaps there are among us who do not know the workings of the Internet itself, as most know for us is how to use. Internet actually works from one server to another server, in other words there is a network atu link between a community, or a part of the country with komunitasa or other states. That way the internet is access for anyone to explore the community or other countries in the world, why is that?
Well it could be related to each other due to a server or service providers that are accessible, and more specifically, there is a provider of information we need in the form of a website or blog. Then how the site works?
The site is a provider of information services to information seekers, which means that a site has a domain name or individually depending on the content or the content of the site itself. A site usually have its main office at a service site, where if we want to create a site we should contact the service provider's own site. And usually the first step we must take to create a website is to buy a domain from the service provider site creation. This is where you will be subject to tariff to buy a domain that you want to be the address of your site.
Not only there are no more costs to be incurred by you if you want to build or create a website, for more details, we will discuss in the next post for that now because I will share more specific information about the blog.
What is a blog? Blog or site actually quite similar, only it's usually when a blog has extensions or can not stand on its own is not such a site.
Maybe you've visited an address such as: or 
Well the first is an extension blog on blogspot or blogger and this is called a blog. Actually there are plenty of blogs that we can use to create a blog for free without having any contract payments as a site, choose our own lives, because almost all of them there is no difference, except perhaps to distinguish it looks. As a shopping center, kalu we go into a shopping center or a mall, then when you enter you will see some of the merchandise that is there and in addition you can also see the design that was used to design a shopping center or mall. If you feel comfortable to be there you might like to visit the shopping places. 
Likewise with a blog, when you create a blog you should pay attention to what you write, or about what the theme will are posted, design what you'll use. Because of the quality of reading material that we serve and the better the design that we use so the more visitors feel at home with your blog, they might even make your blog as a fun place to hang out. So what is the way to what should be done in order to have a blog? For that we will learn in the next post.